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Renewable Materials Conference 2021

19.04.2021 - 696 просмотров

Recycled, CO2- and Bio-based Polymers: Renewable Materials Conference 2021

Переработанные полимеры на основе CO2 и биополимеров: Конференция по возобновляемым материалам 2021



Program already available! The conference will take place as an online event. 

Almost 120 participants registered 

Программа уже доступна! Конференция будет проходить в режиме онлайн. Зарегистрировалось почти 120 участников

Which renewable materials are solutions that meet the needs of future societies? As a response to this challenging question, nova-Institute has decided to unite all relevant industries in the new “Renewable Materials Conference”, May 18–20, 2021, featuring a unique concept to present all renewable material solutions at one event: bio-based, CO2-based and recycled. There is a growing market demand for advanced and ready-to-use renewable material solutions with a low carbon footprint – that are fossil-free.

For the first time, nova-Institute jointly presents all renewable material solutions: bio-based, CO2-based and recycled. Highlights and innovations of bio- and CO2-based chemicals and materials, and of chemical recycling will be presented. Or in other words: All material solutions based on renewable carbon – avoiding the use of additional fossil carbon.


Какие возобновляемые материалы являются решениями, отвечающими потребностям будущих обществ? В ответ на этот сложный вопрос nova-Institute решила объединить все соответствующие отрасли промышленности в новой “Конференции по возобновляемым материалам”, которая состоится 18-20 мая 2021 года, с уникальной концепцией представления всех решений по возобновляемым материалам на одном мероприятии: на основе био,СО2и вторичной переработки. Существует растущий рыночный спрос на передовые и готовые к использованию решения из возобновляемых материалов с низким углеродным следом, которые не содержат ископаемых углеводородов.

Впервые nova-Institute совместно представляет все решения для возобновляемых материалов: на основе био,СО2и вторичной переработки. Будут представлены основные моменты и инновациихимических веществ и материалов на основе био - и СО2, а также химической переработки. Или другими словами: Все материальные решения основаны на возобновляемом углероде – избегая использования дополнительного ископаемого углерода.


Program highlights of the 2nd conference day/ Основные моменты программы 2-го дня конференции

The three-day program of the first Renewable Materials Conference is almost final and gives a complete overview of the latest renewable material solutions, a performance show for a wide range of sustainable raw materials and technologies .

The second day (19 May 2021) is dedicated to renewable polymers and plastics, starting with the question of how polymers can be recycled and cycled. Participants can look forward to presentations from Arkema, gr3n, INEOS, Recenso, Synova, TNO and UBQ. Further, Covestro and Avantium will show how polymers and other products can be made from CO2, and both also present highlights on polymers made from biomass, together with IFF and Lignin Industries, and nova-Institute will present the latest LCA results for PEF, followed by presentations from the six nominees of the Innovation Award “Renewable Material of the Year 2021”. After the six 10-minute presentations of each candidate, three winners will be chosen online by the conference participants and ceremoniously honoured by Covestro, the sponsor of the Innovation Award.


Recycled Polymers

Anna Schwarz, TNO (NL) Plastic Recycling in a Circular Economy: Determining Environmental Performance through an LCA Matrix Model Approach
Maurizio Crippa, gr3n (CH) ET/Polyester Same Materials for a New Era: Chemical Recycling for Plastic Circularity
Sven Riechers
INEOS Styrolution (UK/DE)
Styrenics Materials for a Circular Economy
Jean-Luc Dubois
Arkema France (FR)

New Innovative Process for Recycling End-of-life PMMA Wastes
Bram van der Drift, Synova (NL)
A Shortcut from Post-Consumer Plastic Waste to Circular Polyolefins
Christian Haupts, Recenso (DE)
Regeneration of Resources from Mixed Waste by CARBOLIQ Technology
Tato "Jack" Bigio, UBQ Materials (IL)
One Mighty Step: How Small Amounts of Bio-based Materials Can Make a Big Environmental Impact

CO2- and Bio-Based Polymers

Christoph Gürtler, Covestro (DE) Brighter Use of Resources: New Applications for CO2 Chemistry – Foams, Fibres, Surface Active Ingredients
Erica Ording, Avatium  (NL) Pioneering Renewable Carbon Based Technology
Matthias Stratmann, nova-Institute (DE) Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of PEF in Comparison to PET
Christian Lenges, IFF (US) Engineered Polysaccharides – Sustainable Material Innovation
Christopher Carrick, Lignin Industries (SE) Transformation of Lignin, the Most Abundant Unused Biopolymer on Earth, Into a Renewable and Functional Biomaterial

Innovation Award "Renewable Material of the Year 2021"

Michael Carus and Asta Partanen,
nova-Institute (DE)


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